Its the 2nd day of the the 2nd month, 2011 and, just like I am, you could be wondering, "You mean we are done with January?!" Well, yar, that was all for January 2011, thank you.
Does it seem like you just carried your 2010 way of life into your new year? Because it does not feel like a new year anymore! Time seems to fly by normally and maybe your new year's resolutions are already filed and stacked in the same old closet, 'To Whom It May Concern!'
You promised yourself you were going to be better at your game and were going to either get some things out of the way or get some into the way... And, alas!, one month gone.
Have you thought about what could have happened to the ''Oowyeah its 2011'' excitment?
Well, the same for you, I was glad I had gone through 2010 alive, at least, and could learn from my mistakes and have a more fulfilled life to look forward to in 2011.
A thought dropped in my mind during my think time earlier in the year that there could be people in some parts of the world that may not practically be able to celebrate a new year because they do not know about months and years. They only see day and night and what is important is that they are alive the next day. Quite disturbing but true, they simply do not know.
So what makes the difference?
Israel Houghton, a musician I respect so much once said, "... Morning is not what has an AM to it, morning happens when u WAKE UP...!''
I slept over this as the year began and it made more sense day by day.
I found myself in a need to have a continual awareness that its morning, a new day, new month, new year...
It is something you choose to come to terms with, waking up every other day, month and year with a sense of "I can start out a new, you know!"
You will need to have the awareness that there is a new opportunity, a new opening and that because of yestarday's challenges, you are stronger, you are wiser, you are resilient, you are better, so much better.
If you have a dream or vision or hope for your future, you can therefore be passionate about it, excited, energized, have the true hunger for obtainment, and that you are daily going to give it immediate attention to move NOW, quickly and decisively with total focus that will produce passion, creativity and persistence.
Im talking about a fire you will fuel at all costs that will make you want to wake up earlier tomorrow.
WAKE UP and smell the coffee. Its a new day, a new month, a new year!!!
4 Timothie's Expressions